Site Bylaws

Site admin will generally only step in to ban users if they are violating the global site terms of service.

Users that violate a community rules, should generally only be banned from a specific community, as a side wide ban would be dis-proportionate.

Generally, site admin staff will not be involved in community moderation and enforcement of community rules, as long as the community has active moderators and the site admin is not a regular member of the community moderation team.

If any community moderators have any issues with site administrators, they should first try and talk out the issue with the moderator in question, using the communication medium both parties prefer.

In the event that the community moderators feel that their concerns are not being fairly addressed by a site admin, they may reach out the operations staff to address their concerns via email. Please be sure to include any relevant info in your email. Web archive links, links to the modlog, along with screenshots are welcome.

Operations / HR Email

NOTE: This inbox and related PGP keys are ONLY available to operations management staff, NOT site administrators.

End users may be banned from a local community by the community moderators.

This should only be used as a last resort for hostile users OR for users that are known bad faith actors.

Users that have been banned may appeal their ban to the local community moderators.

Community moderators are free to deny their appeal for any reasonable cause.

Users are free to appeal their community ban to a site admin. Site admins will do their best to consider the rules of the local community during the appeal process.

Any community user ban CAN and SHOULD have a clearly documented reason pointing to explicit rules broken.

We encourage community moderators to try and engage with problematic users first, as there may just simply be a miscommunication issue.

Moderators will only be removed by the site admin staff under the following circumstances:

  • Grossly committing a violation of the Terms of Service
  • Acting repeatedly against the local community rules
  • Extended periods of inactivity, as evident by lack of public interaction and/or failure to respond to reports

Community Moderators are free to appeal their removals with site admin staff.

To file a claim for the removal of a community mod, you may contact the site admin team via:

We do understand that communities can shrink over time or that community moderators can face difficulties finding time to moderate. Any users that would like to take over stewardship of a dormant community are free to post to

Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and should only be opened when a community moderator has been inactive for AT LEAST 2 weeks AND efforts have been made to contact them using ALL reasonable available channels.

Community moderators are free to remove any content (posts or comments) that violates their community rules or site rules of Lemmy.World or their own instance.

However, any content that they DO remove, they should ideally be able to cite the community rules that were broken.

Communities are free to adjust their rules as they see fit and as time moves forward. We do, as site administrators, hope that the communities hosted here are able to grow and provide a enjoyable forum for both Lemmy.World users and users on other federated instances.

We also strongly recommend removing comments or posts before issuing the ban to ensure that the context is clear in modlog, or linking them in the removal reason. Removal

Users requesting content moderation for communities should use the built-in report function FIRST. Reports send via this method will also be visible to the site admin staff until they are resolved by either a community mod OR a site admin. This is the best way to raise a issue.

If you feel that content reported via the report system needs direct admin attention you can use the same reporting methods mentioned here to file a request for moderation, bypassing the report system.

Please note that this method should only be used for severe situations where the built-in report function will not suffice.